Understand The Threat – Facts Sticker

Dylans War Sticker that states currant FACTS about the Fentanyl disaster and gives links to the website, help spread the word without saying a word. Show people the facts about the drugs that are killing hundreds of thousands across our country. Knowledge is power. Every penny you donate is reinvested in Spreading the word further. Contribute what you can. We are doing the work. Sticker States:


Illegally made Fentanyl dominates the drug supply, causing record numbers of drug deaths in America

Drug Users are frequently unaware that their drug contains Fentanyl, an opioid 50X stronger than heroin

Street drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, heroin and meth often contain fentanyl, without the users knowledge

Fentanyl is used to press fake prescription pills, sold deceptively as Xanax, Percocet, Oxycodone, & more.

Fentanyl is involved in 70% of Gen Z drugs deaths, higher than any other age group.





All of our products are “name your own price”, we are a non-profit, and public education is our goal, NOT making money, but these products DO have a cost and everything you donate to DylansWar Inc. IS tax deductible. The More YOU donate the more WE Can Do! We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, you will receive a receipt instantly upon placing your donation for your tax records.

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